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Who is
Maycie Suflower?
Maycie Sunflower is the professional artist name of singer/songwriter/guitarist Emily Rosario. Emily Rosario has been writing her original music for over 5 years now and is looking for self-made investments to grow Maycie Sunflower.
What does
Maycie Sunflower sound like?
Maycie Sunflower has one of those classic voices like Marilyn Monroe. Her voice is smooth, relaxing but can also be a powerful, motivating voice.
Maycie's taste in music is similar to Adele and Amy Winehouse.
What instrument does she play/own?
Maycie Sunflower plays guitar. She owns a acoustic Ibanez that's close to 10 years old and a electric Epiphone Guitar that was recently added to her guitar family.
Does she have music on Spotify, Apple Music or any other similar platform?
Maycie Sunflower is currently in the
"Pre-Production" phase of her music album.
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