Emily, a remarkable woman, is a devoted mother to a neurodivergent child, an elite runner with numerous accolades, an entrepreneur behind Focused Artworks, and a multi-talented actress. She embraces challenges with unwavering love and dedication, advocating for inclusivity. Emily's athletic prowess inspires aspiring athletes, while her entrepreneurial spirit combines art and athleticism. As a versatile actress, she captivates audiences with her powerful performances. Emily epitomizes passion and determination, embodying the essence of a modern-day renaissance woman who conquers various paths with dedication, resilience, and creativity.
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With every purchase, a proceed go to Emily's running career.
Top Highlights
Emily places 22nd in the country and 1st place for
Garden State Track Club for the team at the
6K USATF Cross Country National Championship!
December 2023
Emily comes 2nd place out of 1,300 women at the Ashenfelter 8K
November 24, 2023
Ashenfelter 8K
New Jersey
Emily wins 1st place with the Women's Team in the Distance Medley Relay
February 2023 & 2024
Millrose Games
The Armory, New York, New York
Emily also creates original content with the USA Track and Field Federation in collaboration with top BET / Paramount producer Chris Bivins
February 2023
Millrose Games
The Armory, New York, New York